Don’t refresh your screen. That is, indeed, me in a box. An Operation Christmas Child shoe box!
And guess what? It’s National Collection Week (November 14 – 21). Have y’all packed Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes yet? Follow these simple instructions and be sure to sign up to track your box so you can follow your gifts around the globe and into the hands of a very grateful child. Operation Christmas Child has delivered shoe box gifts in over 130 countries and has reached millions of hurting and impoverished children with the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Grab a shoe box (or more!) take your favorite Littles or grand Littles on a tiny shopping spree and send love and hope to child who will cherish every treasure you pack in your Operation Christmas Child shoe box. Click on the link for detailed instructions on how to pack your shoe box:
We are still putting the finishing touches on our boxes. The Littles picked special treats for our children including toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes and bright colored pony tail holders for the girls, a small Lego set for the boy, crayons, pencils, balls, small dolls, Starbursts, cards, stickers and other small goodies. Hands down the most fun was filling out the Let’s Be Friends! pages to include in our box. Be sure to print these pages and have your Littles spend time introducing themselves. We attached our most recent school pictures and included our address in hopes that we’ll hear from our new friends.
See the Littles in action? I took this yesterday morning as we made last minute additions and finished up our All About Me pages. The Littles will take their boxes to school on Thursday and present them in chapel as part of a school-wide collection. There are hundreds of drop off locations for your boxes or you can mail them directly to Operation Christmas Child at the address on the How to Pack a Shoe Box link.
Will you join us? You don’t have to go as far as I did and actually wear a box. Just pack one with love and send it to the far corners of the world.
Hi Kristin, thought you would enjoy this fun video:
YES! Sintya — thank you so much for sharing the Operation Christmas Child NYC Blitz video with us. I had several friends participating in the blitz last week. Secretly, I was jealous — I loved rockin’ that box!
Y’all click through and watch the video. It’ll get you jazzed to make these important boxes!
xo, K
Thanks for including the All About Me page. That is new for us so thank you!