Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9 Well, I blew that one. A couple weeks ago, I shared with Husband and the Littles around the supper table my intent to host 31 Days of Outrageous Hospitality. Get this, not twelve hours later I was bitching about breakfast. Nice, huh? I don’t remember the exact words I said…
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52 Sunday Suppers: Farm-Fresh Brunch
It’s the little things in life that matter. Like brinner. You know, breakfast for dinner. Which is exactly what Susie & I cooked up at our first 52 Sunday Suppers cooking class this week. I wish each of you could have been in my kitchen for the farm-fresh brunch we made with friends and lots of local love. We whipped…
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Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread
One of the best things about having tween daughters is spending time with them in the kitchen. Littlest is always ‘up the counter’ and has been by my side in the kitchen since she was in a highchair. But, the older two girl Littles—who are really not so little anymore—are busy coming and going with longer days filled with…
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Baked Oatmeal
I know it’s the week of Thanksgiving and it would probably be more helpful to you if I were posting a recipe for the big day. As far as the meal goes, Thanksgiving at The Schell Cafe looks pretty much the same, year after year. One year, Mia and I decided to give our traditional favorites a face lift…
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Simple Homemade Granola
How about starting your day with this simple homemade granola?! The Littles sure did enjoy it this morning. We found the recipe in Chef Bobo’s Good Food Cookbook and followed the simple instructions. The Littles love it plain with flavors of maple and vanilla starring front and center. Of course, I’ve already dreamed up several variations for the next few…
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