Sometimes we’re called to take a few steps out the door and into the front yard to offer love and hospitality in the neighborhood. And then sometimes we’re called to take a giant leap to a neighborhood on the other side of the world. For me, setting the table with a cross-cultural friendship looks like going to Russia. Twenty-five years…
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Spicy Caramel Popcorn
Thursday mornings in July, I drive along the banks of The Big Thompson River down to the town square in Estes Park to the Farmer’s Market. Strolling through the tent-lined square with my arm draped through my basket, I tug my sweater tight across my chest to ward off the chill. I chuckle at the notion of needing a sweater…
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Mountain Strong: When Your Thing is Learning OUTRAGEOUS Hospitality
I hate goodbyes. Who doesn’t? But I really, really hate leaving our happy place at the YMCA of the Rockies. Ask the Littles. At the end of the summer, when it’s time for us to pack up and head home, I cry. Not the big, ugly cry, just a weepy I dontwannaleave cry. I sound like a broken record leading…
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Mountain Strong
We booked the trip last February. At the time September seemed surreal. Are you sure we should go the last weekend? Sure. There’s no home football game, the Littles will be settled into school, and it’ll be nice to get away. We’ll need it by then, we reasoned. I’ve never been to Colorado in the Fall. The aspen will be…
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Mealtime Prayers: God bless the mountains
~ Mealtime Prayers was born out of a simple wish to share my passion for prayer around the family dinner table. Mealtime Prayers are my little gift that you can pin, print, and pray. You can share Mealtime Prayers with friends, memorize them, or just add a little variety to your family dinner prayers. Speaking of dinner, if you need a little inspiration,…
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Sabbath Rest {YMCA of the Rockies}
On the coldest day of the year in Austin, I pull my fleece jacket tight and slide my hands deep into pockets. My fingers fumble over a piece of paper lost but now retrieved. A fishing license. Permission to wade in Colorado waters and cast my rod like a spell in hopes a greenback cutthroat trout will magically appear taking…
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