Kristin Schell is on a mission to love her neighbors. She put a picnic table in her front yard, painted it turquoise, and began inviting neighbors, friends, and even strangers, to hang out and do life together at The Turquoise Table®.
A new concept of hospitality unfolded in her neighborhood, and before long The Turquoise Table® led to a movement of Front Yard People—ordinary people who long to create community right where they live.
Today, there are Turquoise Tables all across America from California to Maine. In all fifty states and in thirteen countries, Turquoise Tables have become a symbol of hospitality, a safe place to sit down and connect over a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea.
As founder of The Turquoise Table® and Front Yard People movement, Kristin travels the country speaking at conferences and events with an encouraging word on how to open our lives and homes to others. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Tony, and is delighted when their four “grown & flown” children are all home at the same time.
Kristin’s book, The Turquoise Table: Finding Community and Connection in Your Own Front Yard (HarperCollins Christian Publishing), is available wherever books are sold.
While her favorite color may be turquoise, Kristin bleeds burnt orange for The University of Texas and believes the answer to world peace might involve a bowl of queso and salty tortilla chips.