Outrageous Hospitality Dare #7
Host A Party with a Purpose
Please join me for a 7 day challenge ~ An Outrageous Hospitality DARE. I’m collaborating this week with my friend Krista Gilbert at Meaning in a Minute. Sign up for the hospitality dare and receive a daily email which includes a short video of Krista and me presenting your daily dare. Seven days of simple, fun ways to get back to the heart of hospitality.
What in the world is a BYOI Party? Glad you asked. It’s a Bring Your Own Item party. Similar to a potluck, but what you bring isn’t limited to food. Most parties have a purpose, right? A celebration. A birthday. A wedding. Today we dare you to host a party with a purpose. Even if that purpose is just because!
Send a quick email, text, or better yet print cute postcards to invite a few friends to celebrate. Open your home and share your time, conversation, and heart with friends you cherish. Here are a few easy ideas for your potluck or BYOI party.
Click here for a printable copy of Ideas for a Fun & Easy Potluck
Challenge option: Host a pinterest party {click here for a fun how-to} or a Party with a Purpose.
I just ordered the packet to host a shoe cutting party for Sole Hope. Sole Hope serves families in Uganda by providing jobs to women and shoes to children which are desperately needed to protect them from jigger infections. I was blessed to meet Asher Collie, founder of Sole Hope, this past weekend at Allume. Her ministry is powerful and to think WE can make a difference saving lives in Africa by hosting a shoe cutting party is convicting, friends. That’s a party with a purpose.
I’ll let you know how my Sole Hope Party with a Purpose goes. Pics on Facebook for sure.
Printables created by Haley Rose Design
I meant to buy that Sole Hope packet at Allume, and then I got distracted as usual. I thought it would be a fun and meaningful thing to do at Thanksgiving with my family. You could make a whole theme out of it on the table. Love this Kristin, you have the best ideas.
Shelly, LOVE the idea of using this as a theme for Thanksgiving. YOU inspired another idea…
Sole Food is now my Thanksgiving menu. Wish y’all could come. xo
I picked up a shoe cutting packet at Allume and can’t wait to host a shoe cutting party. I also purchased a pair of the adult shoes and absolutely love them!! Thanks for giving me a great idea of how to start planning my party.
Hi, I already planned a Shoe Cutting party and it’s in 3 days, but I didn’t know you had to purchase the kits, I thought the templates and patterns were free! I really just need the patterns so that I can cut out the jeans and send them to Sole Hope and help out. By the time I order the kit it will get here in weeks from now, and my party is in 3 days and I can’t postpone it because it’s for an organization on my college campus. Could you please e-mail me the dimensions and a picture of the patterns for the shoes so that I can help out? My e-mail is hmm13c@my.fsu.edu
How wonderful you are hosting a shoe cutting party. I don’t have the dimensions on hand, but check out http://www.solehope.com for resources. I know they will be grateful for your efforts!