Hurricane Harvey Dares to Mess with Texas
Our neighbors to the south — all 6.5 million of them — are suffering the wrath of Hurricane Harvey. The Category 4 hurricane with winds of 130 mph made landfall on Friday near Corpus Christi ravaging the coastline. Since then, Houston and surrounding areas have been devastated by an unprecedented amount of rain — 15 trillion gallons and it’s still coming down.
According to FEMA, over 30,000 people need shelter now and more than 450,000 will register as disaster victims.
The National Weather Service states, “This event is unprecedented. The impacts are unknown and beyond anything experienced.”
While Harvey threatens to make natural disaster history, stories of resiliency and hope are surfacing amidst the catastrophic news reports.
Communities are often their best in times of emergency or disaster. And this certainly appears to be the case in the Lone Star State as its people band together offering aid and support united while sending a strong message to Harvey: Don’t Mess with Texas.
What Can I Do?
It’s easy to get caught up wondering how to help. What can I do? Will my small act make a difference?
The answer is yes.
You can’t do everything. But, you can do something.
Hospitality means love of strangers. In times of natural disaster, there are no strangers– just love. Neighbors helping neighbors. Communities united helping one another to rebuild.
The Turquoise Table Community
We are overwhelmed, but not surprised, by the incredible way our Front Yard People community is offering to help. Thank you for your patience as we try to respond to the emails and messages. We are working on ways we can work together in the Harvey Relief Efforts.
This is a sprint, not a marathon. Harvey is weakening, but still a terrible storm. We are committed to providing information and help for the long-term.
Here’s what you can do NOW:
God hears the pleas of his people. Not sure what to pray?
Hear the cries of your people. Calm the rage of this storm with your righteous right hand. We cry out to you to rescue and save your people. Be with every man, woman, and child in this time of unimaginable unknown. Make your ways known and provide clear paths out of the flood waters and debris. We thank you, Father, for the first responders. For the ordinary people providing heroic efforts to help strangers. May we continue to see You in all that we do and in all that is done for others, so that there is hope amongst your people. All people. You tell us when we are weak, you are strong. We are here, Lord. Send us. Use us. Let us be strong for Texas. For her people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Join thousands of others reciting this verse on behalf of our brothers and sisters:
Have mercy on me,
My God,
Have mercy on me,
For in you I take refuge.
I will take refuge in you until
The disaster has passed.
Psalm 57:1
Show Up
Some will be called to heroic actions. We should be encouraged by these miracles that are glimmers of hope in our news feed. Most of us; however, will not make the evening news in our efforts. All of us are called to act. It’s what Front Yard People do.
Whether you provide direct help to the needs of the Harvey disaster or simply take a plate of cookies to your neighbor, please do something in love.
We will keep our Neighbors Helping Neighbors page continuously updated with current ways you can help.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Thank you for the way you are rallying for one another. And to our friends suffering in the wake of Harvey — we are praying and acting in small efforts of love. We will not forget you!
I think your turquose table idea is great, and I want to share the idea with my church. Is there any kind of copyright that we need to abide by? You probably address that issue in the book, but I haven’t read it ….yet.