Spiritual Direction
Hi! I’m Kristin!
I am currently enrolled in a two-year training program to become a spiritual director. I’ve just returned home from my cohort’s first residency in Arizona. The faculty, leadership, and teaching I am receiving as part of Leadership Transformation’s Selah Program is beyond what I ever imagined. If the next two years are anything like the first residency retreat, I expect to be awed by God’s presence, healing and love.
For my training, I will offer spiritual direction to at least two people for the next two years. I will meet one-on-one with each “directee” for one-hour, on average once per month, for two years. While I’m under supervision, Selah recommends that my directees be women and also recommends avoiding dual relationships– meaning women with whom I have an existing relationship.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I’m grateful for your prayers and trust the Lord is already preparing the hearts of the women who will join me in this soul-companionship journey.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is an ancient Christian practice of listening and prayer. It involves one person “the director” helping another person “the directee” notice and be attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. A spiritual director is a companion for the soul, someone who helps you hear the Lord’s voice and respond to it.
Why Spiritual Direction?
Life is busy and full of distractions. Despite our best intentions, our spiritual life is easily neglected. Like our mind and body, our soul needs tending to in order for us to flourish.
Spiritual direction is an opportunity to pause in the midst of everyday life and rest in the presence of the Holy Spirit. In this holy space, you are invited to get curious about areas in your life where you may feel stuck or seek discernment with respect to vocation, relationships, or life changes and losses.
How does Spiritual Direction work?
As a spiritual director, my role is one of hospitality – to welcome you into a safe place and offer the gift of presence and prayer. Each session is unique and Spirit-led based on what you choose to bring to the table. I’ll begin and close our time together in prayer with a gentle rhythm of silence, scripture, questions and conversation in the space between. While it is my deepest honor to listen, pray, and hold space for you to process what’s on your heart, the soul work that happens is because of the grace and mercy of our Father who loves you deeply.
Sessions are typically one hour in length and scheduled once a month. I offer spiritual direction online and in person (Austin, Texas). Sessions are one-on-one and always confidential.
If you sense God is inviting you into a practice of spiritual direction, I would love to visit with you. I do not charge a fee for our first meeting as this is a time to discern together whether our relationship in spiritual direction is the right fit for you.
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