Husband’s Valentine’s Day gift is a raised bed to plant heirloom tomatoes.
Only that’s not our garden. But isn’t it gorgeous?! It wouldn’t last a week in the hot Texas summer or under the care of my very NON-green thumb.
This is what’s really happening at The Schell Cafe garden today.
I know, it doesn’t look like much now, but by summer it’ll be brimming with succulent heirloom tomatoes. Kind of hard to imagine on this cold winter day. It’s sleeting and dreary, but visions of summer tomato salads are warming my soul.
Why a raised bed for a Valentine’s Day gift? Because Husband loves to garden. And, it’s been a while since we’ve had a garden full of tomatoes. Ok to be honest, I completely botched his Christmas gift this year and I still feel bad about it. Dare I confess?
I gave him a fishing shirt which would have been a great gift, except that he already has the exact same shirt. His feelings were hurt. Not because I duplicated the gift, but because I failed to notice him wearing the shirt on his most recent fishing trips. Ouch. Failed to notice him. It stings as hard now as it did on Christmas morning.
Disappointing the most important person in your life feels horrible. And it made me wonder what else am I missing? We move at such a rapid pace it’s hard to slow down long enough to be still. It takes discipline to tune out life’s distractions, but I am so very grateful the Lord is teaching me.
So, the tangible gift for Husband is the raised bed for heirloom tomatoes. More importantly I’m giving him the gifts of love, listening, and noticing.
What are you giving your sweetheart?
My sweetheart will have a supply of good as well as healthy food to travel with to the lake house. He is finally going to take two days of water color lessons. I am so joyful for this time he will use all those creative juices!!!!! He will have a container of fresh fruit, three varieties of his favorite soup (and HIS homemade chili) and his favorite bread. His favorite staple of peanut butter is already in the cabinet waiting. His gift of love from me to him? Time. Time alone to reflect, write, read, and be in the presence of the Lord………….and his first painting lessons. May be our first Valentine’s Day in 43 years of marriage that I won’t actually be with him…………..but I will know the warmth of his love from here to there!