Today, I’m going to share with you how gracious the Lord has been in setting up structure in my life to be disciplined for him.
Remember the day I starred as the ass in an Oscar worthy fight with Husband? The fight was miserable, but the result was the beginning of a God directed process for reorganizing our lives. Let’s travel back in time to that day, shall we?
As soon as Husband and I kissed and made up I went for a walk. I was still riding high on the drama and found myself alternately praising God for using Husband in such a powerful way and praying for direction on how to move forward.
All the while, Husband’s words ‘Back to Basics’ kept volleying around in my mind. He kept returning to this phrase during our argument. “We’ve over extended ourselves. We try to do too much. We can’t take care of what we’ve got. You are spread too thin. We gotta focus. Get back to basics”.
Back to Basics.
And that is how our Heavenly Father began to establish Godly order in our lives. With a gentle, but firm direction to prioritize my days for Him.
Back to Basics
1. God
2. Husband
3. Littles
4. Nest
5. Village
Godly order. I have been praying for this, as have several of the peeps in the village, and in God’s great faithfulness He answered. Praise the Lord because He gave me a list! He knows I love my lists.
It seemed so simple, this Back to Basics plan. In fact, I honestly thought my life was already prioritized in this order. I’m a Christian. I love my Husband. I’m a good mother. My house is in order. I am blessed with loving and supportive relationships in my village.
Then it occurred to me. I am doing Christianity, but am I truly following Christ?
If you have been following this spiritual reality show of mine you can figure out this is where DISCIPLINE enters stage right and will remain in the leading role until God the Director decides its time to change the scene again.
Coming up next….
Godly priorities including light fixtures, pedicures, and tomato gardens. (Oh, and boot camp too).
I love your list. My list gets out of balance at times. I think I am following my correctly ordered list and then some how fall away from it and find myself all out of order again and in a mess. Discipline is the key. My day just goes better if I get up a little bit early and do my Bible study. I KNOW this to be true, but some days, I just don’t do it. Feels like Paul – doing the things I don’t want to do and not doing the things I want to do. Thank heavens for Grace and it’s reset button.