My friend over here posed a fun question. She asked who we would most like to have at a dinner party. I tweaked the question by answering that I would have a cooking party. My cooking dream team at The Schell Cafe would include:
Julia Child
Alice Waters
David Lebovitz
Ina Garten
Thomas Keller
Can you imagine? Who would you invite to a dinner party chez vous or to cook in your kitchen???
I am with you on David Lebovitz. Have you tried his macaroons???? Um. To. Die. For.
Glad you’re back!!
A fun dinner party/dream team in kitchen:
My big brother
My two big sisters
My mom
Ina Garten
(at her house, in her kitchen)
My two girls
My husband to watch and eat!
My favorite part of a dinner is preparing the table—-sorry, not with food~~~~I leave that to those like you who have creativity in cooking. Me, I’m for totally how it looks–you know—look at the whole of the table not the food!
Those gathered around my table who CAN cook and would have previously done so in my kitchen would be the dream team of:
Marilyn Romweber
Thomas Keller
Aunt Rose Aranson
Patrick O’Connell
Margaret Dalton
Frank Selfridge
Diane Kennedy
My oldest daughter
wow. I’ll have to think about this, as I am a total novice in the world of cooking gods…
Well you’d be there of course.
My mom too b/c she needs a night off.
I’d love to say Alton Brown.. but he would YELL at us!!!
to be continued…