If there is such a thing as a St. Francis gene, I’m lacking it. In theory I love animals. In reality, my patience tells me otherwise. But then I met Einstein who is seriously the world’s perfect dog.
I’ve said time and time again that I would lose weight if I’d just quit eating my words. This time I find myself choking on ‘I WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER DOG!’ Actually, what I said was I would never have another puppy. And I promise I will never eat those words. Einstein is no puppy, you see. He’s a 9 1/2 year old Golden and he’s officially ours. I’ll save the tale of exactly why I thought it was a good idea to bring a new, old dog into our house during the last week of school for another day. Or not.
Like most school aged Littles, mine have been clamoring for a dog for a while. Since we gave our last one away to be exact. I distracted them with fuzzy little Webkinz, which they loved. And I promised them a fish. I got zero enthusiasm for that idea. But the delay and distract tactic only worked for so long. They wanted a dog. In theory, so did I. Husband? The verdict is still out on his confidence in my ability to ‘handle a dog’.
I set up a near impossible litmus test for acquiring a dog:
1) The dog must be at least five years or older, age seven ideal
2) The dog must be fully trained
3) I need to know the background of where the dog has been and full history
4) No jumpers, biters, food stealers, pee’ers, yippers or yappers
And, finally I said to our dear friend Lulu in jest one afternoon while taking the Littles to visit her (FIVE) dogs ‘If we could have a dog just like Duke, I’d consider it.’
The next day Lulu calls and tells me that Duke’s litter mate (older brother) had been surrendered back to his breeder after six years. Be Careful what you ask for, friends. Be very, VERY careful. Two days later, while Husband was in Chicago watching the Cubs, we met Einstein and brought him home for a sleepover. Clearly you have figured out, he never left and Einstein has been with us ever since. Just to be clear, Husband DID come home from Chicago although I think he is still scratching his head, not wondering what to do with the dog, but with me!
In honor of Einstein and the patron saint of animals, I offer up the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi today. Peace to you my friends.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Do you have a special animal in your life?
Two years ago one of my adult children decided SHE wanted to get me a dog for MY birthday. All sorts of logistics were set up and promised for a very busy summer of leaving a new puppy (10 weeks) at home and his care. Barnabas was named by Popa………..Popa is an encourager and so was the bibical Barnabas. I was not encouraged by our new Barnabas for the first week.(year?) It was MY dog.
Barnabas is two years and two months old now and weighs 65 lbs. Australian Hearding Dog, who thinks he can sit in my lap while I’m at the computer or sitting trying to read. He is our roof dog. Yep, spends some days out on our roof over the garage waiting for someone to pass and notice him (he’s handsome and he knows it) He has made us many new friends and has great discernment as to who will come knocking!
I have to say it has taken me a while to admit that Barnabas is really Popa’s dog. He sleeps under Popa’s desk during the day or on the sofa in the living room–yep the sofa. Popa walks with him every morning and feeds him. He bathes him, grooms him and talks to him like he’s one of the younger grandchildren. B. travels well in the car. He has personality. Like I said, “He is handsome.”
He is no Einstein, but he will be someday and for now it is in giving that we receive;and in pardoning that we are pardoned.
That’s our special animal.
He is adorable! I really need to get my kids a dog! I would attain hero status for sure!
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