One of the things I would love to accomplish is learning to take better photographs. I oooh and ahhh at fabulous photographs on various blogs and always think to myself — next week. Next week I’ll learn all about aperture, shutter speed, ISO and meters. Well, four years of next weeks have come and gone and while I’ve definitely learned a thing or two, I still do not have the thriving, healthy relationship I crave with my Nikon.
I feel certain I am up for the task. At least I’m telling myself mastering the art of photography is a time constraint rather than an ability issue. I long for the day when I fully know and appreciate my Nikon. I dream of several lenses I can change with ease and of tossing around phrases like ‘hand me my macro lens, I’m trying to get a close up of the osso buco while the light is perfect’. Traveling with my well loved camera and all its accoutrements will be a breeze, not to mention uber-stylish because I would definitely carry my wares in an Epiphanie bag. (Which do you like best? Personally I’m partial to the turquoise…)
Until my fear of photoshop subsides and/or I find myself on a deserted island with my camera, laptop, and a full-time photography instructor I’ve found a very trendy solution.
Have you seen the Hipstamatic app for iphone? Rush over to your app store and download it now.
This artsy rendition of my morning coffee was taken with a John S lens, Ina’s 1969 film, and a Dreampop flash. See, I already sound like a better photographer. I like the ethereal beauty of my ordinary cup ‘o java.
Of course this is all tongue-in-cheek, and I have no intention of permanently breaking up with my Nikon. But, this fun little app will certainly come in handy on the days when no matter what my photography skills may be, the perfect shot just ain’t happening.
This group is supposed to be fabulous. A lot of blog moms I know are members and have gone from amateurs to taking what look like professional photos to me. I’ve been meaning to join and learn as well, but, as you know, it keeps getting put off! I believe there is a small membership fee.
That’s a great app. Totally retro.
The only way to become a better photographer is to take more photographs. Take hundreds and hundreds. Try anything once, then try it again.
Your creative eye won’t improve uness you use it. Use it a lot.
Remember also that the best camera in the world is the one in your hand. Photography is more about you than your camera.
I have three cameras on the go – a decent SLR, a decent and small point and click and an iPhone. My favourite photo of my kids, the one in my wallet right now, was taken on the iPhone, because it was in my hand when everything just fell into place and the opportunity was there.
Just take photos and enjoy it. You’ll get better with practice.
So glad you came by my “peace” on Tasty Tuesday. That strawberry smoothie looks great. And as I’m looking back and see you are going gluten free, I want you to know that I had the best red velvet cupcake in the world on Friday … gluten free! I didn’t even miss a thing. It came from a gluten free bakery here in Knoxville. So many more products and recipes available now than ever before.