My husband’s grandfather, Frank M. Schell owned the Schell Café in Cooper, Texas during the early 1900’s. I never knew Grandfather Schell, but he must have loved serving great meals and having folks gather ‘round his tables. His son William B. Schell, my late father-in-law, finished every meal in the same manner, “Well, I have dined sufficiently.” From this strong line of men my husband inherited an appreciation for a meal well served.
More than half a century later, The Schell Café continues in my own kitchen and on these pages. The meals I make are a labor of love. And, my journal is a love story. For me, cooking is a joy that perfectly blends my past, present and future.
I often wear my Grandmother’s pink gingham apron when I cook. She made it in a sewing class and hand-embroidered her monogram on a pocket. I also use her cookbooks, measuring cups, utensils and her great old, Dutch oven. Wartrol Cooking is more than just making sure my family gets nutritionally fed. When I cook I am honoring our past and making memories for the future.
Bon Appetit!
What I know is this– you are the BEST! So very glad to see that you have come over to the Bloggers….