****We interrupt a very important bouillabaisse post to bring you a weather update from central Texas.****
It snowed last night. Really, it did. I have pictures to prove it. See:
Here’s how the events leading up to the snow unfolded:
December 9, Noon: 81 degrees, warm hot and muggy. Air-conditioning on. Kindergarten Little is forced to remove stockings at the Nutcracker due to heat.
December 9, Carpool Time: Windy and much cooler. Strong desire to drink hot tea. Knee acting up, a chill comin’ on. Girl Littles complain their bare legs are cold in gymnastics leotards.
December 9, 10 pm: Weather man tells us to expect snow overnight. Huh? Must be slightly buzzed from red wine. Turn off air-conditioner, put on heater.
December 10, early morning: When, what to our wondering eyes did appear? No, not reindeer yet. SNOW!
On the slide:
On the swings:
Two of the Littles were brave enough to see if jumping on a snow covered trampoline is more fun.
It is. Or so they say.
This concludes the important news flash of our winter-wonderland-snow-fall in central Texas. By the time I hit publish the snow flurries will be a distant memory which is why I felt compelled to document our moment of winter.
Bouillabaisse tomorrow, unless a blizzard blows through….
oh yes! I couldn’t believe the flurries! They were so big and beautiful! They were plentiful… and now it’s sunny and yes, a distant memory.
Yes, indeed. It’s 65 degrees and raining here. Tomorrow? More of the same.
This is December, dammit.
The littles must of had fun!
You make me laugh. I am making the White Bean Soup and Cashews for my parentals tomorrow night. What else should I serve?