A few weeks ago Husband and I were laying in bed and I mentioned that I wanted to bring back our Friday night sabbath suppers. He laughed, in an encouraging kind of way, and said, “Sabbath is so seasonal for you.”
Then he rolled over and fell fast asleep no doubt dreaming of bourbon braised beef short ribs. I, on the other hand, stared at the ceiling for hours wondering about his remark. The concept of sabbath is very seasonal for me. Renovating the house is also very seasonal for me, but if I’ve learned anything in 15 years of marriage, it’s NOT to present two ideas at once to Husband.
Why is sabbath seasonal for me?
My knee jerk response is because my attention span is so short, I can only deal with sabbath when the days are short and dark. The idea of sabbath in the summer when days go on forever exhausts me. Which, of course, is the exact opposite of what sabbath embodies. Rest.
I know sabbath is more than just rest, a self-induced time-out, from the world. I also believe that if the Lord created something, modeled it, and commanded it, I should probably pay close attention.
The Lord put the notion of sabbath on my heart about three years ago. My journal entries remind me that I’ve prayed for the Lord to teach me what it is He would have me learn about sabbath. Clearly, I’m a slow learner. For three years, our family has dabbled in sabbath-keeping. We’ve tried full twenty-four hour periods of ‘rest’. Which resulted in, how should I put it, DISASTER.
For a brief stint we were obedient observers of Friday night shabbat suppers. Our family actually loved these shared meals together, but then football season rolled around and, well, what can I say? We traded shabbat for high school football. I know, right?
My One Word for 2013 is Sabbath. My prayer is that the Lord would teach me and show me what sabbath means this side of the cross. I know tradition, and family meals, and rest, and seeking his holiness, and knowing Jesus more fully is all tied up in this one notion of sabbath. And, I can’t wait to taste and see how the Lord is good as he teaches his (often dim) servant.
I hope you’ll join me and share your thoughts on sabbath this year.
My friend Melanie at Only A Breath created my Sabbath button for me. Melanie offered to create buttons for any blogger, for free. Her generosity encourages me, and her design delights. Thank you, Melanie!
What’s your One Word for 2013?
Hi Kristin,
First time here. Thanks for sharing. I’m loving the idea of sabbath and will be a good thing to incorporate into the family’s crazy schedule!
My word(s) for this year is ‘live a life of thanksgiving – try me in this & see my goodness’ – how I’m going to do that, eeer no idea! I’m pretty sure God will let me know! 🙂
Have a blesses & fruitful 2013. I will most definately be coming back here soon.
Love this too. Happy New Year!
Love it Kristin! It sounds perfect for you and this season. 🙂 Can’t wait to read about how God uses this in your life.
Love the word of the year that you got me hooked. This year my word of the year is Peace. And my added challenge to myself is to memorize my favorite verses with the word peace in them this year.
Love this, I have been studying Shabbat off and on for a while now and mulling over what it looks like for a Christian family. We are trying our own version beginning on Saturday in the evening. The first one started in disaster with me flinging some bagged deli meat in the table and crying through the whole meal, lol. Each week I get a little more organized and hopefully by the end of the year we’ll have some semblance of Shabbat. Trying to find a balance between meaningful worship and legalism.