I really wanted my 2018 Word to be queso. I’ve long contended the answer to world peace must lie in a bowl of queso and salty tortilla chips. Living out a year of queso wouldn’t be easy, but I was fully prepared to surrendered myself to the job. #bodybyqueso Can I get an amen? Despite the potential for world peace,…
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When The Days Aren’t Sunny and Bright
I lost my mojo. My friend Liz and I call it losing our Elvis. You know those seasons in life when things seem to be going well? You’ve got momentum and courage. And, opportunity. Your marriage is solid, the kids are in good places, your prayer life full, the pen moves and words flow. The days aren’t necessarily easy, but…
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A Big God Dream
Earlier this week, I posed the question on Facebook: If you were to receive a ridiculous amount of money with no strings attached, what would you do? Sitting outside at the turquoise table, reading the responses made me smile. Some of the answers were fun and silly – I mean it’s Facebook, right. Most of the people who responded shared…
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Lost and found
It’s a funny thing when you are old enough to look back and see the intricate handiwork of God in your life. Not funny ha-ha, but funny ah-ha. Like that moment in movie when it suddenly dawns on you what’s really going on. Before, the plot was like a jumbled mess of puzzle pieces chaotically waiting form and structure. Then,…
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I think the Lord wants me to hear a thing or two about Faith today as it is the central theme of both my Bible study lesson and the daily devotional I’m reading. I love it when the message is so clear I can’t miss it. And I’m grateful I didn’t need a whack over the head with a 2×4…
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Happy New Year (1521)
On this day in history Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X for writing against the church’s use of indulgences and insisting that salvation is a free gift from God, not something achieved through good works. Luther refused to recant his criticism of the church saying, “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.” On January 3rd 1521, Martin Luther…
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