My toes are in the sand in Mexico, but I’m dreaming of France. It’s not a matter of the grass-is-always-greener or not being fully present where I am. It’s just the briny, turquoise waters have set my mind in motion. I’m a dreamer. The problem with being a dreamer is execution. Far too often my dreams remain just that. ….
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A French-Irish Hungarian Meatloaf: A Gold Medal Contender to Lift the Post-Olympics Blues
Welcome to Olympic Feasts at The Schell Cafe! During the 2012 London Games, we’ll celebrate with meals and stories from around the globe. I’m honored to have friends sharing special recipes each day during the feast. The 2012 Olympic Games may have ended last night, but at The Schell Cafe the festivities carry on! I met my friend Rory Clarke in…
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