Truth is we’re still strung out on a high-fructose corn syrup high. You can imagine the mother load of candy four Littles rack up on Halloween. I’ve heard some mother’s offer to pay their children a coin or two for each piece of candy in an attempt to rid the burden. Friends, I’m not that rich. Coins or not, we…
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Mashed Sweet Potatoes
I recently saw sweet potatoes in the take out case at Whole Foods and it inspired me to get a little more creative with my sweet spuds. I roast sweet potatoes at least once a week for Littlest. She adores them and they are so healthy, loaded with vitamins A & C, beta carotene and good fiber. Sweet potatoes are…
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Christmas Worthy Potatoes: Twice Baked Blue Cheese Sweet Potatoes
Cooking is as much about intuition as it is skill. You can master all kinds of techniques, sauces, chopping and such, but at the end of the day you need keen senses to guide you. To me cooking is an art not a science. I’m sure Alton Brown (who I adore) would argue with me as well as any purists…
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