I was away from home. Counting sunsets first on the Atlantic coast and then the Pacific. Twelve sleeps in all. . . a very long time for this mama to be away from her people. There are so many good and wonderful things to tell you about the Allume Conference and the Books & Such Literary Retreat.
But, I’m a wee bit behind on things like laundry and emails. And, writing. Sigh. . .
Let’s have a little fun, shall we? I saw this thought provoking, but simple, list on my friend Meg’s blog. She found it on a new-to-me blog called Meet at Mike’s. Three cheers for the interwebs! Since I’m lacking the words to process life, I thought I’d share this little muse instead. I’m so smitten with the idea, it might just become a thing.
Grab a pen & paper and write down the “ings” in your life. In other words, Get Your Gerund On!
Cooking: my way through The Little Mushroom Cookbook because it reminds me of home
Drinking: lots of shakes, I’m doing Ideal Protein
Reading: Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay (fiction) and If You Want to Walk on Water You’ve Got To Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg (non-fiction)
Wanting: sleep. time zone changes + daylight savings time = zombieness”ing”
Looking: for the discontinued Covergirl Outlast Lipstick color Sparkling Wine
Listening: to Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli because I love her and so do my girls
Playing: hmmm… need to do this more. Heard the Lord whisper, “Remember to play” twice last week.
Deciding: Not much right now. I’m twixed and between and need space to be still and listen.
Enjoying: my soft new t-shirt that says, ” Love first. Ask Questions Later.” from The Preemptive Love Coalition. My girls have them too!
Wondering: how to figure out my current technology crisis of moving my exploding computer files to an external hard drive.
Wishing: someone would do it for me
Loving: my new Journaling Bible. Take a peek at my instagram pics in the sidebar for the story —->
Considering: making this fun list into a printable so you can use it as a conversation starter at your Turquoise Table gatherings. What do you think?
Hoping: I don’t forget to pick someone up in carpool today
Pondering: using UBER for carpool, just in case
Marveling: in total awe of this new community – GraceTable
Needing: courage, I’m a sucker for believing the lies of the enemy and allowing fear to keep me in my comfort zone
Smelling: the new Holiday Joy essential oil. Oh my word! It’s Christmas in a bottle.
Wearing: everything from my latest Stitch Fix box. I’m obsessed with the service and the Boho look they’ve got me trying. Otherwise I’d be in my college sweatpants. (I graduated in 1990, btw)
Following: the #igtravelthursday hashtag on instagram I adore Katja and the travel community she stewards so well
Noticing: How quickly everyone moves through the day and how addicted we are to iPhones.
Remembering: God is God. And, I am not.
Forgetting: where I put my glasses, always.
Thinking: about what I want my legacy to be. What will my children remember most about the life Husband and I shared with them?
Admiring: every page in the newest issue of Darling Magazine
Sorting: through all the swag, conference notes, and laundry from my suitcase
Buying: groceries, of course. Smitten with the new instacart grocery delivery service! PTL
Getting: inspired for the holidays
Bookmarking: pages in about 25 books I’m trying to read all at once
Disliking: Forms. I wonder how many medical, school, camp, sport, lunch, etc. forms I fill out a day for the Littles. One of you techie peeps, please create a uniFORM. Get it? UniForm? Run with it, friend.
Opening: a secret surprise on this site in 2015. A BIG God dream to help YOU gather & love at the table.
Giggling: because I shouldn’t have mentioned that ^^^
Feeling: overwhelmed most days, holding on to Aslan’s mane for the glorious ride
Snacking: on spinach protein shakes. The tall glass of green grosses out the afternoon carpool crowd, but I love it.
Coveting: longer eyelashes. I know, right? But, they might distract from the increasingly obvious crow’s feet and dark circles under my eyes.
Helping: at this this very moment? With breakfast and school lunches
Hearing: women sharing their hearts about how they long for deeper community
Happening: The Turquoise Table I’m in awe of the extraordinary things God is doing in communities across the country with the movement of front yard picnic tables
Praying: through the Book of Acts and the verse God has etched on my heart: Romans 12:13
Take Every Opportunity to Open Your Life and Home to Others
Now it’s your turn! Share your life in gerunds in the comments. I’d love to hear what’s going on with you. . .
meg says
I read a TON of books at the same time too! I get bored with the same one… I think it’s funny you posted this and gave me a shout out because my scheduled post is shouting out to YOU and The Turquoise Table! So funny! P.S. Excited about the announcement!!!
Kristin says
Wish we were neighbors so we could have a book swap! Between the two of us I bet we could open a community library. 🙂 Can’t wait to read your shout out. And, I had an idea about this fun meme-thing. What if we host a link-up thing-a-ma-jig together. xo, K
Teri Lynne Underwood says
Oh my friend … I love this. So, so fun. Thinking {get it!} I may have to use this on Friday’s post …
Miss you like crazy. Catch up soon, k??
Kristin says
Missing you cray cray, too! Isn’t this meme fun? Can’t wait to read yours on Friday. And, girl? We are long overdue a chat. It’s been at least 2 weeks. 😉 xo, K
Cynthia Stuckey says
Loving– this list of gerund-fun!!!!
Drinking– my FIRST cup of coffee today– (And it’s nearly 4PM!!!)
Smiling– at the sheer joy of a few minutes to drink it and just rest.
Listening– to the beautiful sounds of Christa Wells’ Feed Your Soul Album
Wishing– I could have gotten to know you better at Allume!
Pondering– what magical business I can make for dinner involving sweet potatoes and leftover roasted turkey…
Hoping– you actually DO turn this into a thing, I would totally take part. 🙂
Kristin says
LOVING your gerunds, friend! Did the dinner fairy show up? And, what deliciousness did she make with your leftovers? I gotta know. Also, Christa Wells? Ah.maz.ing.
And as for getting to know each other better? The thing about Allume is what happens at Allume doesn’t stay at Allume. Seeds are planted, friendships started, and God continues to grow the goodness. 🙂 xo, K
Maggie Tate says
LOVE this list – so much fun – thanks for sharing your life 🙂 I may use this idea over at my blog too.
Katja of Skimbaco says
Love this list! And thank you so much for the mention, means the world to me! I love the Instagram Travel Thursday community 🙂