Welcome back!
What do you think? I hope you like the renovated cafe. As you know, I’ve had my heart set on this for a while. I’ll get to the details of the new site in a bit, but first I want to thank you.
Thank you for reading and cooking along with me. Thank you for your comments, and for those of you still too shy to comment, thank you for your emails! Thank you for stopping me at the grocery store or in the carpool line to tell me you are making one of my recipes for dinner! Thank you for sharing your favorite recipes with me too. Thank you for your honesty when things don’t taste as good as you had hoped. Thank you for calling me on Christmas morning to tell me the recipe was ‘the best ever’. Thank you for texting to let me know I left chicken off the ingredient list for my Chicken Soup recipe! Thank you for encouraging me to keep posting, especially when I question whether or not this cooking blog hobby of mine really matters.
I started this blog almost five years ago as a way to journal our family meals. I had no idea what it meant to blog and never thought anyone other than Mia (my mother) would read my musings. But y’all have really hung in there with me! And, I’m so very grateful.
When we were growing up, Mia used the The Red Plate as a way to celebrate important events in our lives. Like mother, like daughter, The Red Plate is a tradition at The Schell Cafe too. The Littles love to have dinner (or breakfast!) served on the plate when they do something new or noteworthy. Today I want to celebrate YOU! Because you are special to me.
Do you have The Red Plate? Well, you should. So to celebrate and thank you, I’m going to give one away.
Want a chance to win your own Red Plate? Here’s how:
1) Subscribe to The Schell Cafe. Even if you previously received updates as a feed or in email, you’ll have to re-subscribe. Unfortunately, when you move blogs around in cyber space subscriptions don’t follow. So, please take a moment and (re) subscribe! Then you won’t miss a single recipe.
2) Become a fan of The Schell Cafe on Facebook. The facebook fan page offers a sneak peek at recipes and behind-the-scene scoop about what’s cooking at The Schell Cafe. If you aren’t on Facebook, no problem, you’re still eligible to win The Red Plate. (But really? Not on Facebook?)
3) Leave me some love in the comments (you can do it!) telling me you’ve subscribed and what kind of recipe(s) you want to see at The Schell Cafe.
I’ll pick a very special winner from my new subscription list next week.
I must give credit where it’s due. I’d like to thank three friends whose talent transformed The Schell Cafe. Taylor Beaman is a bright, young photographer who captured very real and behind-the-scene glimpses of me and the Littles. I can’t wait to share her photographs in future posts.
Lucas Purvis‘ talent is more than my little old blogging hobby can bear. If only I could have him photograph every dish I make. His photographs are featured in the header designs for The Schell Cafe and Kitchen Mission.
And last, but far from least, the brains and creativity behind the new site is the talented Erin at Insight Blog Design. After working closely with Erin on this project, what I treasure even more than the special nook of the blogosphere she’s created for The Schell Cafe and Kitchen Mission, is the gift of friendship. Thank you, friend.
You are all special!
Thank you,
Congrats on your new home, friend!! It has been an absolute joy and pleasure to work with you on this project!! Recipes I would love to see…hmmm….Tex-Mex….and cookies! 🙂
Did you ever go to sleep last night? 😉 You even beat Mia to the comments this morning. I’m so grateful for you. Tex-Mex and cookies coming up for you!
Sleep is overrated anyway…as long as I have coffee, I’m good to go!
…Okay, so that’s just not true. I love sleep as much as I love coffee!! 🙂
Love the new site. Congrats!
Thank you Melissa! Glad to see you at the cafe.
The new place looks great! I’d love to see some cook-ahead dinner ideas for Littles.
Oh! And one other thing – printable TSC recipe cards!
Claire – printable recipe cards will be added very soon! xo
Oh. My. Gosh. Can I move into your new digs with you? Please?? Gorgeous … and so very you. How I adore you, my friend! I subscribe, like you on Facebook … and most of all LOVE you in real life!! And I’d love to see you take some of my good ol’ southern recipes and make them healthy, gluten-free, etc. So maybe a sort of “fix it better” opportunity?? Does that make sense?
xoxo girl!!
You always make perfect sense. And, that’s exactly the direction the cafe is heading…yummy, family favorites without all the ‘stuff’. Stay tuned to the Food Naturally section. 😉 I want to make your mouth-watering meringue soon.
I love the new look! Nice job on the remodel.
Thank you, Kristi! Can’t wait to see more of you at the cafe. 😉
It looks great & the littles are precious! XO
Thank you Heather. Now will you come be my chef? I would love to learn from you!
Gorgeous. Just like its host.
P.S. I’d know those hands anywhere. xoxoxo.
I knew someone would notice the hands, so glad it was you. There were many photos to chose from, but I liked this one because my hands look just like my grandmothers and I’m wearing her pink apron too. xoox
P.P.S. This cooking blog hobby of yours… it matters, my friend. It SO much matters.
Oh yay! I’m so excited for you!!!! I’m a bit overwhelemed with sadness at the banner pictures though! I miss the feeling of home in your kitchen and with the littles! Thank goodness for the Schell cafe, I’d never survive this far away from y’all!
Love and miss you all so much!
Ps. Subscribed:)
Hey – it was your idea to get married and move away! 😉 The Littles and I miss you mucho. Con queso, well not with cheese anymore.
I LOVE it!!! It looks fabulous and I can’t wait to see more. I LOVE everything about it and LOVE you even more!!! Thank you for sharing YOU!!!
I miss you. I think you need another excuse to visit the Lego Store (and me!)
Looking good saucy momma!
Thank you, Husband. I love you too. xo
Loving the new cafe and the chef there!! Resubscribed and am a fan – Facebook & otherwise.
Does that make us kindred fans? xo
Ok. Sure! I would LOVE to win a darling red plate. But, what I am most excited about on this here blog/website is the new gluten free section. I have a slew of little one’s (plus a big one) who don’t really like my way of eating. They peek into my bowl of yummy fresh veggies and feel terrible for me. I can’t wait to enjoy all of your new yummy ideas in the coming months. The Rosemary bars are going to be in the frig by this evening! Thanks for the tips!!!
Jennifer – I’m so glad you stopped by today. Please come back soon & often! And, we will have to compare notes on favorite gluten-free finds and recipes!
Ok- subscribed, became a FB “fan” and LOVE the new look. Can’t wait to see more pictures from your photo session! I can’t really say what I’d like more of, because I still have come recipes bookmarked I haven’t made yet! 🙂 I do love when you give simple tips and tricks!