Here’s a great idea! (I can say that because it was definitely not mine). At bible study yesterday our fearless leader made a side comment about a Worry Jar she used when her children were young. It was a casual reference, but I jotted the idea down knowing it might be just what The Great Physician ordered for at least three of my little worriers.
During homework, I pulled out the jar, plopped it on the table, and asked the girls to cut construction paper into strips. Filled with anticipation they went about cutting up paper and looking eagerly at the empty jar on the table. I explained we were making a Worry Jar. In all honesty, their first reaction was one of, well, worry.
What? What’s a worry jar? I’m not worried? Are you worried?
I asked each of the Littles to write down one thing they were worried about on a strip of paper. I was a bit surprised at how quickly they came up with a worry! We shared our worries and then I asked them to fold up their paper and put it in the jar. I explained that by putting their worries in the Worry Jar, they were giving them to God. Matthew 6:34 tells us:
Do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
God tells us not to worry! I further explained that they could take the worry back out of the jar, but that would be taking their worry out of God’s hands and back into their own control. And we all know that it’s best to leave everything, especially worries in God’s hands.
So far the Worry Jar has proved to be a blessing. First, it has given the Littles a safe way to express their worries and an active way to give them to God. Second, it has given me insight as to what they are worried about, and how to pray specifically for each of them.
Do you have a Worry Jar? What ideas can you share that have helped you address a need for your Littles?
P.S. Cuss jar for me coming up next! Oh my….
Know of the cuss jar, but this is the best!
You. are. the best. I can just imagine the Littles worries! 🙂
Heard a guy say today he had a problem with the G word and the F word. Not me, I thought. I love ’em both.