Now here’s something you won’t catch me saying very often.
Probably should explain myself, huh?
For fourteen December-thirty-firsts, Husband and I have celebrated the gift of marriage. New Year’s Eve is a spectacular evening on which to be married. Unless you are the wedding planner and Mia who had to work doubly hard to find venues, bands, caterers, etc. to joyfully provide their services on the big night. For us, the bride & groom, the evening – and all anniversaries since – was dreamy.
While subsequent New Year’s Eves have been celebrated with far less fanfare, our anniversaries are nonetheless still dreamy. Mostly because of a simple drink that has become our traditional toast.
I’ve posted this recipe for the last four years. In fact, two years ago I solicited names for our signature anniversary drink. It deserves a grand title!
Guilty of redundancy, you need to be reminded of this dreamy dessert. So ‘get thee to a liquor store,’ purchase a small bottle of Tuaca, and tell me if you don’t lick your lips and eschew all social graces by continuing to lick the highball glass Cascade-clean.
Just so we are clear, Tuaca (an Italian liqueur that dates back to the Renaissance) is purposefully blended into a pint of Haagen Daz Dulce de Leche ice cream. That’s it. Except for the drinking, savoring and lip-licking.
In keeping with the dreaminess of this dessert and to honor the celebration for which it will undoubtedly become world renowned, I’m dubbing our anniversary drink Rêves Doux, which means Sweet Dreams.
Rêves Doux (pour deux)
1 pint Haagen-Daz Dulce de Leche ice cream
Tuaca, to taste 😉
Remove Dulce de Leche ice cream from freezer and allow to soften slightly. Add ice cream and Tuaca (one or two shots, or…) to blender and whirl to creamy, dreamy perfection. Pour into your fanciest, or most lick-able, glasses.
Happy New Year!
And to my love, Happy Anniversary. Life with you, Husband, is certainly a sweet dream.
Happy Anniversary!
We are having a dinner party tonight at the lake. Will be serving this to new sure to be followers of your tradition. It is always a favorite and I have you to thank.
Happy New Year………..and thank’s for the memories!