I was listening to Amy Grant sing this song earlier when Littlest came running into the kitchen telling me to turn it off.
“Mama. You’re not supposed to say hallelujah right now.”
She is referring to the Episcopal tradition (and perhaps others?) of refraining from saying the word hallelujah during Lent. Her pre-school practices this discipline and clearly encourages it to the point that she took it to heart.
“Why did God tell us we can’t we say *that word* right now, mama?”
“God didn’t tell us not to say ‘hallelujah‘ baby. Sometimes during Lent, people like to store the special word in their hearts and save it up for Easter Day. Then when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection we let all the hallelujahs burst out of our hearts with a great big song of thanks to God.”
“Ok, mama. But I’m not letting *it* out of my heart until Christmas. Ok?”
“You mean Easter, baby?”
“No. I mean Christmas!”
Who am I to argue with a three year old pharisee?
LOL:) love your description–3 yr. old pharisee:) i can identify…both when i was little and as an adult:(