Some mornings after the older Littles have hurried off to school, Littlest and I linger in the kitchen for breakfast. Perched in her usual spot ‘up the counter’ she keeps me joyfully entertained as I bus dishes and think about prepping dinner. I snapped this photo last week on such a morning. I had just made hard boiled eggs and…
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Granola Bars
I can’t be certain, but I think Littlest’s first words must have been “up the counter.” I hear the sweetness of the phrase multiple times a day which translates, “Mommy, I want to sit up on the counter and help you cook.” Although capable now of expressing herself more fully than “up the counter,” I can’t bring myself to correct…
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Roasted chickpeas with a KICK!
I love roasted chickpeas. Also called Garbanzo Beans, these petite peas are packed with protein and fiber and the crunch is irresistible. Sometimes I toss them in salads or use as a garnish for other vegetable dishes. Mostly, I just keep ’em hanging out in a bowl on the counter for hungry Littles to grab and go as they zoom…
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Quinoa Snack Bars
I’m so grateful for the abundance of information out there in the wide webby world. My baptism into a gluten-free/dairy-free kitchen has been pretty smooth, so far. Mostly because of the amazing bloggers who so generously share their talents and tricks for creating yummy treats without the not-so-yummy irritants. Snacks for the Littles have been the most challenging part of…
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