Three years ago, I began my musings here at The Schell Cafe. It’s a little hard for me to believe actually. Granted I’ve taken a hiatus or two during the last thirty-six months. When I was pregnant with Littlest I didn’t have a taste for anything and avoided the kitchen like the plague. Hardly conducive to writing a food blog. And, then last year there was the post-miscarriage hurt that induced the need for a distraction which ultimately led to tearing our house down. Note: I didn’t personally tear the house down! I had a whole team of brawny-types to do that. I just needed a project and thought rebuilding the house would be fun. Maybe therapy would have been a more sane approach?!?!
My blogging anniversary and the New Year have me in a very introspective mood, especially about The Schell Cafe. I started this blog with no intentions other than to keep a cooking journal, of sorts for my family.
I never dreamed my virtual cafe would bring in so many customers. My wordpress stat counters tell me how many daily visitors stop by The Schell Cafe and the numbers are staggering to me. I know there are many more well read blogs out there, but in my little neck-of-the-blogosphere, several hundred visitors a day is a lot to serve. And you come from all over the world – Greece, Haiti, Germany, even New York City! 😉
You, dear readers, are truly the silver lining. Especially the regulars who gather ’round my tables. I have met some of the nicest people at my own cafe! And, I’m flattered that you come to me for questions about onions, your cast iron skillet, what to feed young picky eaters, vegetarian menu suggestions, appetizer ideas, and even paint color recommendations! Daily, I find emails from near and far seeking my advice from the kitchen or simply requesting recipes. I am truly humbled by this. And I am increasingly feeling the need to figure out how to truly be of service to you.
So, here’s your chance! Tell me, dear readers, what would you like more of at The Schell Cafe? Healthy recipes? Busy family meal suggestions? Haute cuisine dishes? More challenging recipes? Simple, quick recipes? Sustainable and Green living ideas? Printable recipes? Shopping suggestions? Video/Live cam demonstrations?
I really would love to know what brings you to the cafe and what will keep you comin’ back for more. Feel free to leave your requests in the comments below or email me directly at kristinschell (at) mac (dot) com.
Thank you!
Mia says
Printable recipes would be an added bonus! I now print all my recipes from cookbooks or my recipe holder prior to going to the grocery store. It actually saves me time in writing down what I need on a piece of paper + I just scratch off what I have put in my cart while aisle shopping.
I am a visual learner. When you take photos of the steps of putting together a recipe it is helpful and frankly nice to see the added attraction of cooking steps thru photography. I am more likely to try my hand at the more challenging recipes if I have a visual.
Congratulations are certainly in order for sharing yourself with so many in such a creative way! It will be a joy to watch and be a part of your cooking journey in the next three years!
Reeni says
Congrats on your Blogaversary! I’m going to keep coming here no matter what you do. What you’ve been doing all along is perfect with me. A little of this, a little of that, it’s all working!
Claire says
Hi Saucymomma, I am needing more recipes I can hand over to the nanny (I know, this runs counter to the whole point of TSC) to make for my littles, so I don’t come home to them eating pizza, something-nuggets, what have you, night after night. Simple is key. Can you throw some ideas my way? xoxo, CFT p.s. happy blogoversary!
Mrs. Kravitz says
Congratulations! I can’t believe it has been three years. I think people keep comin’ back because you keep things fresh and interesting. I like the way you mix it up, and of course the pics of the littles. I do agree with Mia that I am a visual learner and more apt to try something difficult if it has pics. I mean i can’t even pronounce boulabaisse, much less spell it… Plus, the printable recipes would be nice, but i always lose them, so i just pop you up and search on here…. it’s easy. I love it! Keep it comin’ girl!! xoxo
Beth says
I, too, am with Mia on the visuals. I think you do a great job with them now, and I’ll take it even a step further.
I’d love to see you actually doing the things you take pictures of. I’d watch a quick (five minutes) “Cooking with SaucyMomma (and the Littles)” video once a week and I’ll bet a lot of other people would, too.
I’d also love to see you post short (two- to five-minute) tutorial videos on the things that keep some of us from trying new recipes and/or new ingredients — for example, how to weep eggplant… or how to clean leeks… or how to make a pie crust… or how to cut the corn off a cob… how to “drop” cookies on a baking sheet… how to make homemade whipped cream… what pan to use for which task… your five favorite shortcuts.. how to chop stuff like a pro… etc.
I know some of your readers are accomplished chefs. But some of us are still working on it, and we’d love to learn from you because you always make things so easy.
Besides, I think there’s a bigger market for that kind of teachin’. And I think you’re just the one to capitalize on it.
Jill says
My son is in school with one of your Littles and he suggested/insisted I check out the blog to see what his friend eats for dinner. I am so glad he did! Long, long ago, I used to love to cook; but after kids, it just became a chore to fit in after homework and before laundry. Your blog has helped me to remember how much I enjoyed it. And how important it is to share delicious meals with my family. Thank you. I even dusted off my old copies of Cook’s Illustrated and tried a few recipes.
I would to see more busy family meal recipes (the pinocchio pie was a huge hit!) and printable recipes. Happy Blogging Anniversary and Happy New Year!
Kristacular says
Happy Week of Joyful events! I would love healthy recipes, because I get burnt out eating the same things all the time!
I love a lot of the ideas already posted, especially Beth’s video idea!!!!
Happy New Year!!
Lida Payne says
More contests.
smelltheroses says
Smelltheroses and family have been deep the the throes of moving for WAY too long now … your blog has kept me smiling every day. Now that I have a working kitchen, I’m going to start making some of these delicious recipes. Happy Blogging Anniversary, dear friend, from one of your biggest fans!
I agree with everyone’s comments … keep up with more of the same … plus, I would love to know what you do for school lunches, and which items you regularly stock in your pantry and fridge!