Friends, I present to you the best Thanksgiving turkey ever…the Greenberg Smoked Turkey.
On the flight home from The Relevant Conference Sunday evening, I scribbled out my “to do” list thinking it would be a beacon in my imminent re-entry fog. At the top of this list, in a sleep-deprived trance, I wrote:
ORDER Thanksgiving Turkey
Hold that thought, I’m going to go off on a rabbit trail with a story about Mia. For those of you new to The Schell Cafe, welcome! Mia is my mother. It’s not her given name, but the one she chose for herself about 10 years before her first grandchild arrived on the scene. She’s that kind of organized.
Mia and I have this quirky little thing that happens every time we go out to dinner. Without consulting each other we order the exact same item off the menu. Every.Single.Time. It doesn’t matter if we are around the corner at Torchy’s Tacos or at Gernoimo in Sante Fe, we will pick the same dish. On the rare occasion that we get to travel together we go all out to see if we can break our freaky same order streak. So we’ll each pick our second favorite item on the menu instead of our first choice. Same.
So back to my list. When I woke up in the anticipated fog on Monday morning, I was indeed grateful for my “to do” list glaring at me. The Thanksgiving turkey was minutes away from being ordered. You can imagine my surprise, although it wasn’t really shocking, when Mia emailed, before the sun was up, to tell me that she and Popa had ordered the Thanksgiving turkey. You know, just in case I woke up with a weird desire to order it myself. This kind of bizarro stuff is always happening to us.
All that to say, you really should order a Greenberg Smoked Turkey too. These delicious turkeys come shipped ready to serve and I promise they are 40 years of our family tradition good. I know you may not be thinking about your bird just yet, but take this as a friendly reminder that Thanksgiving is just three short weeks away. Order a Greenberg turkey and spend your time enjoying family, watching football, and not worrying about basting and baking a bird.
Have y’all started thinking about Thanksgiving yet? What dish to you look forward to the most?
I was *just* thinking about this (and how it is mandatory that I order a turkey based on years of ruining them myself). Thanks so much for the tip, I’m calling today! 🙂
Whoot! Glad you are on the turkey train. xo, K
OMG. Weird. I was just thinking of ordering a smoked turkey and wondering from where to order one! Ahhhh. Weird. Oh. And Taylor and her daddy have that SAME weird thing going on. They can be hundreds of miles away and get some kind of telepathic relay! Enjoy!
Let’s just chalk this up to ‘great minds think alike’! Miss you friend. Maybe we should talk turkey over some wine…. ox
Amen, sister. Those Greenbergs are the best. Mur, Mr. Moo & I will be Thanksgiving guests this year. Is it too much to hope our hosts will have one on their table? We might need to order a spare for home, just in case.
I hear it on good authority (Mur on Facebook!) that your table will be graced with a Greenberg. Amen.
Thanksgiving is right up there as my favorite holiday. I love ALL the food, eating all day long, and hanging out with family. Nothing beats it!
I’m with you, Cherie. Thankful for Thanksgiving. 🙂
So, what are you having for lunch at the ROCC?
ROCC did not serve turkey, but lunch today was good. 🙂
Did we figure out WHERE we are serving the aforementioned Greenberg Smoked Turkey? xo, K