I took the older Littles to get their flu mists today. Littlest got her flu shot on Saturday. I wasn’t expecting any grand drama as flu mists are easily given and received. Plus, this ain’t the Little’s first rodeo. We filed in to our pediatrician’s office and expected to spray, sniff, and be on our merry way. Only Littlest Middlest has been feeling puny since last night. And I happened to mention this to the doctor. After all he is our doctor.
Puny like how? He asked with that look of apprehension.
Well, last night she said her brain hurt (as opposed to a simple headache). Then at bedtime her legs were cramping (worse than growing pains). And some time around 4 am she came in to tell us that her neck (not her throat) really hurt. Oh, and this morning she complained that it felt like she was swallowing marbles (not your average sore throat).
The doc’s downward glance and furrowed-brow conveyed the news.
Seriously? Who goes in for the flu vaccine and comes out with the flu?
It’s too soon to know if it’s the regular strain of flu or the more hyped swine flu. But despite it all, I can’t help smile at at God’s sense of humor in my previously planned & prepared dinner selection for tonight. Any guesses?
Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin! Which for the record makes Husband swoon every time. I wrote about the recipe over at The Schell Cafe. Trust me it’s amazing. But even if a double dose of pork can’t keep the swine flu at bay, the promise of new mercies are not far away.
The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23
You have the best outlook of any person I have ever known! God can only be smiling at your faithfulness to Him and your ability to have trust along with your faith and humor.
Any leftovers?
tell Ellie that Popa loves her very much.