It’s still blazing hot here in Austin. Way too hot to be thinking about soup. But, I had these beautiful summer tomatoes and two handfuls of fresh basil. What’s a girl to do? Make soup and crank the air conditioner. When the Littles were still little, they had a funny way of finishing off our soup. They would raise their…
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Basil Lemonade
Yesterday Littlest and I made Basil Lemon Simple Syrup. As soon as her feet hit the ground this morning she was begging for Basil Lemonade. What could I say? After all, she deserved to taste the fruit of her labor. We squeezed (and squeezed) lemons, added our delicious syrup, and in no time at all we were savoring fresh lemonade….
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Basil Lemon Simple Syrup
Earlier this week food writer and friend Addie Broyles tweeted her food revelation du jour: a splash of balsamic vinegar does wonders for basil lemonade. Thus my inspiration for basil lemonade was born. While the older three Littles are away at camp this week, Littlest and I are enjoying the relative quietness and time to do things sans older siblings….
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Tomato Basil Salad
What’s your favorite lunch? My favorite spring and summer lunch is hands down tomatoes tossed with basil, olive oil, and a splash of balsamic vinegar. Husband’s garden is beginning to show glimpses of the seeds he’s planted. It won’t be long until our backyard bears the fruit of his labor and our CSA begins delivering bushels of freshly, hand picked…
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