It’s early Saturday morning. I woke up around 5:00 am, tried to read a little bit and then promptly fell back to sleep. It felt good. Clearly, I’m tired. Last night was the first Friday night since May that our entire family of six were all in town and at home. No traveling, no sleepovers, no football game, no nothing….
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Holiday Cookbook Gift Guide
Hopefully, you are way ahead of me and have finished your holiday shopping, neatly wrapped your perfect packages and tucked them all under a well lit Christmas tree. No? Good, me neither. If you are still looking for a gift for the foodie in your life, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite cookbooks to help you. 1….
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So, what is your favorite cookbook? I need to know. My all-time favorite resource is The Joy of Cooking. There are days when I’m so tired I have actually forgotten how long to hard boil an egg. Or the time I was 1/2 way through an artichoke and I needed to know exactly how to get the heart out in…
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The Un-Risotto
Giuliano Hazan’s Risotto Finto has been on my list to try for over a month now. I chose tonight simply because I had everything in the pantry. That I had everything on hand was more luck and a generally well-stocked pantry than any kind of super planning on my part. Hazan’s meals are simple and keep my family happy so…
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Mis en Place & Pistachio Butter
I learned from my query this week that my friend amamgets’ quirky kitchen ritual is having everything perfectly in place, arranged like a photo shoot before she actual begins cooking. Amamgets is an amazing cook as well as a serious photographer, so her mis en place fetish is really just good time management. She can take a few photos, cook…
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Easy As Pie (Pepperoni Pie)
We took advantage of the holiday weekend and made a quick get-away to the ranch. Although short and sweet, it was nice to breathe the proverbial fresh air that the wide open range provides. Tonight feels like a Sunday rather than a Monday. And I did not have time to make my usual beginning of the week pilgrimage to the…
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