I’m pretty sure the world does not need another smoothie recipe. But, I’m in a smoothie-state-of-mind and thought I would share the love. I’m just back from a brutal stint at the gym where my trainer and I discussed smoothies in between breaths – mine, naturally, not hers. I offered numerous times to actually stop what we were doing (lunges…
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Strawberry Smoothie
We are big fans of smoothies at The Schell Cafe. Smoothies are a quick and tasty way to get a good dose of fruit, protein, and vitamins into the Littles’ diet. Going gluten and dairy free doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice our smoothies! Here’s a remake of our favorite standby. Guess what?!?! It scored a unanimous four thumbs up!…
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Sweet Potato Bites
Truth is we’re still strung out on a high-fructose corn syrup high. You can imagine the mother load of candy four Littles rack up on Halloween. I’ve heard some mother’s offer to pay their children a coin or two for each piece of candy in an attempt to rid the burden. Friends, I’m not that rich. Coins or not, we…
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