It is an honor to welcome my friend Emily Wierenga to the table today. I loved her first memoir, Atlas Girl, and am excited to read the sequel Making It Home: Finding My Way to Peace, Identity, and Purpose which releases next week. Emily is sharing an excerpt with us today and at the end of the post you’ll find…
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Mary Did You Know? Reflections on motherhood at Christmas
The Christmas I was pregnant with our first baby I must have listened to the song, “Mary Did You Know?” at least one million times. Our due date was still three months away, but I knew the baby I was carrying was a boy. We opted not to confirm my inklings with sonograms and reminded our doctor to keep mum…
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Back in the Saddle
It’s um, er, well, uh…it’s been a while. Since Christmas Worthy Potatoes to be exact. Geez that seems like a lifetime ago. Suffice it to say things around The Schell Cafe have been a tad crazed. To avoid the risk of sounding like a country western song gone worse, I’ll spare you the long version and catch you up with…
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I got tagged for this meme by amamgets over at life its ownself. I’m not really sure what a meme is, except that you are supposed to answer the questions. For those of you who read this, you are supposed to answer the same questions in your own blog. So, here goes…. 1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn to…
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Pre Valentine Heartbreaker
Absentmindedly, I drew a heart on my son’s snack sack for school last Friday. I must have been thinking about Valentine’s Day and how much I love him. It just happened. Below his name, I made a big heart with a silly cupid’s arrow straight through the middle. A few minutes later, he saw the sack and gave me a…
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Mouton & A Bottle of White
Once upon a time, there were three little children who had very discerning tastes. On a particularly dark and rainy day the mother had grown weary of small demanding voices. Had they not been served with love whole-wheat pancakes with fresh berries and bananas for breakfast? Were they not content with their much requested pepperoni pie for lunch? And was…
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