Summer is road trip season. Visiting family, taking kids to camp, and our summer vacation keeps us on the road much of the summer. Traveling with four children requires thoughtful planning, especially in the snack department. Having our favorite snacks on hand cuts down on the impulse buys of random junk food at the gas station when we are on…
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The journey begins, or continues. . .
Leo Tolstoy said, “All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town.” I’m not sure we’ll be penning great literature over the next ten days, but our delegation from the YMCA of the Rockies will be sharing stories of our journey to Russia. For those of you who are…
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YMCA Rockies 2 Russia Partnership
Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends. ~ Maya Angelou The countdown to our #YMCARockies2Russia trip continues. Today, I’m honored to have Julie Watkins, Vice President of Association Advancement of the YMCA…
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To Russia with Love
Sometimes we’re called to take a few steps out the door and into the front yard to offer love and hospitality in the neighborhood. And then sometimes we’re called to take a giant leap to a neighborhood on the other side of the world. For me, setting the table with a cross-cultural friendship looks like going to Russia. Twenty-five years…
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Mountain Strong Chili
We’re Texan. Which makes us chili people. Some of our favorite recipes include: Chipotle Chicken Chili The Bestest Darndest Chili Chili Ike Bison Chili Vegan Chili {I know, right?} We love all kinds of chili, but serving chili for Thanksgiving? It’s never been done ’round here. But, we are also Mountain Strong people. Inspired by an incredible story of hope…
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Mountain Strong: When Your Thing is Learning OUTRAGEOUS Hospitality
I hate goodbyes. Who doesn’t? But I really, really hate leaving our happy place at the YMCA of the Rockies. Ask the Littles. At the end of the summer, when it’s time for us to pack up and head home, I cry. Not the big, ugly cry, just a weepy I dontwannaleave cry. I sound like a broken record leading…
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