Summer is road trip season. Visiting family, taking kids to camp, and our summer vacation keeps us on the road much of the summer. Traveling with four children requires thoughtful planning, especially in the snack department. Having our favorite snacks on hand cuts down on the impulse buys of random junk food at the gas station when we are on the road.
Ok, we still buy plenty of random junk food, but still. I try to be prepared with healthier options, too. {Confession: Combos, pretzel & fake cheese please, are my road trip guilty pleasure}
I stock the car with our favorite road trip snacks—apples & peanut butter, trail mix, and granola balls are our family’s most favorite. These snacks also double as portable, energy filled nutrition for camping and hiking.
Apples & Peanut Butter. I travel with a bag of apples, a full jar of peanut butter and an old kitchen knife. When the hunger pangs call, I slice up apples, top them with a smear of peanut butter and pass the goodness back to the four eager children waiting for a snack. A roll of paper towels always rides shotgun with this mama.
Trail Mix Bar. I used to buy a big bag of trail mix for road trips. I’d never point fingers, but certain members of our family (who shall remain nameless, of course) pick out all the M&Ms. By the time the bag makes its way back to the front of the car the trail mix consists of salted raisins. To avoid the inevitable M&M thievery, I set up a trail mix bar of favorite items from our pantry. Before we hit the road, the six of us each make a custom blend of trail mix.
For inspiration, but certainly not to call out the M&M hoarders, here is the line up of our Trail Mix Blends:
Tony: almonds, dried cranberries, dark chocolate chips {he’s also been on a macadamia nut kick lately}
Moi: dried papaya, coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips, cashews
Will: M&Ms, peanuts, raisins
Anna: almonds, peanuts, cashews, M&Ms
Ellie: Peanut butter M&Ms, peanuts, cashews {although she’s a huge fan of plain dried mango}
Sarah: M&Ms
Granola Balls. We love granola. For road trips, however, I like to change up the recipe to add an extra punch of protein and fiber and turn them into balls for less travel mess. In this version, I’ve add ground flaxseed and almonds. It would be delicious with either chocolate chip or raisins, but as you can see from our trail mix blends, our family doesn’t gravitate towards raisins. We are weird that way. So chocolate chips it is!
Some of our other road trip favs include Rosemary Kind bars, Rosemary Cashews (hello, rosemary addiction), and, of course, no road trip is complete without some delicious home made cookies.
With snacks in tow, it’s time to hit the open road. I’ll be updating soon from our happy place at the YMCA of the Rockies. I’m bringing the Turquoise Table with me again. Watch for a newsletter with ideas for Hospitality on the Road soon.
What about you? Where are you headed this summer? What are your favorite road trip snacks? {am I the only Combos fool?}
Happy summer road tripping’ to all!
Hahahahaha! Baby Girl rules! 🙂 Love you all –
Cheetos and iced tea (black, lots of ice, NO sweetener, just as God intended) – yes, Cheetos – only In the car, only on long road trips. Can I come sit at the table? ?
Ginger! You and my husband have the same road trip spirit! Unsweetened tea and Cheetos! Please come sit at the table! Would that be a short or long roadtrip to ATX? xo, Kristin