Welcome to The Kitchen Mission. I’m so glad you are here.
When I got wind of the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by Susan and Janice at 5 Minutes for Mom, I knew I wanted to join in on the fun. I’m glad you stopped by and look forward to meeting new friends as we blog hop during the week long party.
How ’bout a little trivia game? If you are new here, it’ll give you a glimpse into my family’s life and the mission field I’m currently serving (hint: the name of the blog!). For the peeps in the village who know me, we’ll see how well, huh? Mia (aka. my mother) you are not allowed to play because as we all know “mothers not only know best, they know everything!”
Because no party is complete without party favors, I thought I’d give away a copy of my favorite cookbook The Family Dinner.
Alright, on with the game. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about me? Leave a comment with your answer and I’ll pick a lucky winner after the party!
1. I write a food blog focusing on healthy, family dinners at The Schell Cafe
2. My favorite color is pink
3. Husband & I have four Littles ages 3 – 11 years old
4. I have a deep desire to take better photographs
5. I spent a cold winter in Siberia
6. I regret not sharing the gospel when I snuck into East Berlin
7. Husband told me he was going to marry me on The Golden Gate Bridge
8. We know the arduous road of international adoption
9. I love fairy tales, especially ones about food & my time living in France
10. I write The Kitchen Mission as an act of obedience
11. Husband & I bleed Burnt Orange (Hook ’em)!
12. I love Jesus
Leave a comment guessing which one of the statements is NOT true about me for a chance to win The Family Dinner. You will love this cookbook!
I’d be honored if you subscribed to The Kitchen Mission in the email subscription box up top. And you can follow me on twitter @theschellcafe or on facebook.
Thanks for stopping by the party and I look forward to getting to know you too. Leave a link to your blog and I’ll be sure to stop by for a visit. Can’t wait.
Stopping by from UBP’11! I’ll say #2 is not true. I enjoyed reading through your post.
Thanks for stopping by Janet! And good guess….
Glad I already have the book…………….you’re right, know all the answers!
But of course you do!
I would venture that # 6 is the falsehood. Mainly because we can’t admit that we are old enough to have been in East Berlin before the wall came down (hey, I was in 5th grade when that happened! Man, I’m old now…)
Stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party. I love your sense of humor!
Let’s just say if you are old, I need a walker. I was just shy of 21 when I made that trip to East Berlin. But, don’t go callin’ me granny.
So glad you stopped by. Hope you are having fun at the Ultimate Blog Party.
I am going with #2.
I’m going with #2 . . . I would never peg you as a pink girl.
Really, with three girls you don’t think I ooooooze pink? LOL
OK, your little quiz has totally stressed me out! I tried to comment earlier, and then became completely paranoid that I am an awful friend if I get it wrong. However, after much thought, I think perhaps (just maybe) I’ve overcomplicated this.
I’m going with #2.
Happy UBP friend!! Love you!
I guess I would have made a horrible teacher stressing students out with pop quizzes. Never fear dear one, you know me well. I’ll make the pre-Relevant11 ‘get to know your friends’ stats harder.
Thank you for coming to my UBP11 rescue.
I will go along with everyone else and say it is #2. Enjoyed reading your blog. Hope that you enjoy the party!
After lots of clicking around and thinking about what I already know about you, I’m guessing #2 also! Love you!
Here from the UBP and it is so good to meet you!! Gotta go look around to learn more before I answer the question
joy & blessings,
You don’t strike me as a pink lady…just sayin.
I’m guessing you don’t share the same favorite color as my youngest daughter who almost bleeds pink. Enjoying visiting with the party and following you now.
Lovely to meet you through ubp. I like the topics you cover. My family and about 40 highschool students were in East Berlin, right after they opened up. We actually did programs and shared our faith on the streets and in the campgrounds. That was ages ago now.
Gg – Notes on the Journey #269
no way you love pink, pink, pink most, most, most. xxo
Aren’t you clever! It’s #2!
Which… you know… it’s okay. We can still be friends even though you are disparaging on MY favorite color… LOL
I cannot wait to read more!!
Hi! Stopping by from UBP! I look forward to reading more of your site! I am getting around to visiting some blogs this evening! Have a great week!
Hi! I’m visiting from the UBP – #73 (Being Made New – http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com) on the Christian List. Very glad to get to know you a bit – I think #2 is not true – and I hope you might be able to stop by my place, too. :^)
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow…please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And…Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
I’m a new follower from UBP11. I just wanted to say hello. Please stop by to visit my blog and check out my giveaways while you’re there. I’m guessing #2 isn’t true.