When you need a little hope
I woke up this morning in need of hope. I wonder if you might, too.
In the last few days, our prayer list has multiplied. And, it’s hard. Lots of icky stuff going on in the village—cancer, death, major surgeries, divorce. I don’t know how to relate to all of my friends’ struggles, but I do know HOPE is the common denominator.
For me, the best way to understand and find hope is through prayer and practice.
Pray for Hope
What do you do when you want a gift? You ask for it! Hope is a gift. One that’s yours for the asking.
I pray that God, the source of all hope, will infuse your lives with an abundance of joy and peace in the midst of your faith so that your hope will overflow through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I love this verse {Romans 15:13} and find myself praying this truth over and over for my friends and even myself. Especially when my hope-o-meter is running on empty.
Practice Hope
Doesn’t it sound silly to think about practicing hope? But, when you’ve been given a gift, especially a good one, you want to use it.
This weekend, I learned about a very hope-filled resource from Emily Freeman and her sister, Myquillyn Smith better known as The Nester. Together with their dad, Gary, these two amazing sisters have created a community of hope. Get this, it’s called hope*ologie.
The first thing I did after joining Hope*ologie was text my sister. At first, we were super jealous we hadn’t thought of the brilliant idea ourselves. We got over it pretty quickly and are now proud hope*ologists. I texted a few friends and my mom about hope*ologie and figured I should share with you, too.
Hope*ologie is a brand new membership site to help you practice hope in your home, with your family, and in your soul. I spent time this weekend exploring the new site. I’ve listening to the sister*ologie podcast This Ham is Your Ham, This Ham is My Ham. Twice. And, I’ve printed the the downloads to make my HopeBook.
I’m super hopeful about the Family Vision Day. I’ve printed the guide Gary wrote, but haven’t figured out how to corral the famdamily yet for a day of vision casting. I think we’ll start with our immediate family before we branch out to in-laws and out-laws, if you know what I mean.
Hope*olgie is fun, light-hearted, and full of practical tips and information. Check it out, and let me know if you become a hope*ologist too!
Wherever this Monday takes you, I pray you are filled with hope, friends!
I am so with you. Let’s make room for hope in our lives. Let’s look for it. Let’s let it find us. I can tell you – if you go to the depths of despair, Hope is there. I promise this is truer than true.
love you so much,
Sweet friend, YOU have pointed me to hope and through hope, Christ, for so long. You are totally my Hope Girl. You are also on my list of dear ones I’m praying for right now. I love you, too. And grateful we are together through the highs and lows of our blessed lives. xoxo