Many of y’all will remember last summer when I took up the challenge of reading the Bible in 90 days. Late last June, I heard about the Bible in 90 Days challenge on twitter, of all places. A group of fellow bloggers and tweeters signed up to read together and I joined them. All 500 of them. Can you imagine? A huge group of people, strangers really, all united for the purpose of reading God’s Word together?
I’ve participated in numerous Bible studies over the last twelve years, but reading the Bible, cover to cover like a novel, was hands down one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Now, I realize you might be thinking “yeah, right” or “sounds like she’s gonna sell me a ShamWow.” But it’s true. When you fully immerse yourself in God’s Word, things happen. When you allow yourself to open the gift, your heart changes. For real.
I know it sounds like I’m talking mumbo jumbo, so I’ll be sharing ways in which the Lord has changed my life over the last year. Some are very personal and hard to tell. Other examples are just down right embarrassing, like how I’ve been convicted of my habit of using salty, sailor language for the better part of my life. I’m still working on this one! As I share these stories over the next little while (a purposely non-committal schedule!), it’s important to remember the stories are not about me. They are about God. While God in His sovereignty has used me, it is not for my purpose, but His.
Which brings us back to the Bible in 90 Days. Here is an example of how God uses His people for His purpose. The following is an excerpt from an email I wrote to Amy @MomsToolBox, the woman who organized the online twitter Bible 90 Days. In a previous email I thanked her for shepherding our virtual group through the Bible and in this follow up email I was letting her know how my own experience was playing out…
—–Original Message—–
From: Kristin Schell []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:59 PM
Subject: B90Days
I have been on the official site, but have not contacted anyone at the
organization yet.
By the way, I live in Austin, Texas and our church is Covenant Presbyterian.
I told our senior pastor the following story this morning:
“When I first started Bible in 90 Days, I so wished there were just 10 women
around my kitchen table to read with me.
By the time I got to the New Testament, I was convinced that Lamplighters
(our women’s bible study of appx 300) should do this as a group next summer.
When I closed the Bible after savoring the last words of Revelation, God had
a much bigger vision than my kitchen table. I was convicted that our entire
church should do this together.”
Our pastor replied, “I have three words for you: Let’s Do It!”
Only God.
Only God, indeed.
This summer, Covenant Presbyterian Church is hosting a Bible in 90 Days Challenge. You are invited and I encourage you to join us.
Follow the link to Covenant’s webpage for details on the B90Day challenge. And please feel free to email me with any questions you might have. You do not need to be a member of Covenant to join us! And I know you have busy summer plans. If we are honest, in the busyness of life there will never be a convenient time to dedicate an hour a day, for 90 days to read the Bible. The Bible wasn’t written for our convenience. God’s Word is a gift. Accept the gift, friends. Read His love story for you…
I am so excited this is happening at Covenant! Thank you Kristin for being open to the work of the Holy Spirit and putting it into action!
Thank you, sweet friend, for helpingus all along this journey. I can’t wait to start this exciting adventure! xoxo
I am so thankful you found us and made the time to read!
I was almost giggling as I read your comments… I also have that same enthusiasm (as I’m sure you can tell) that I wonder if I sound like a ShamWOW girl, myself. But THIS is the REAL DEAL. 🙂 I’m so glad you’re sharing it and helping others read, too. And this is just the beginning…