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Husband bought a juicer. He’s like a kid in the candy store, except in this particular store the candy is of the kale, cucumber, beets, and parsley variety. Every morning I watch him carefully concoct a rich blend of color and nutrients into a tall glass of juicy perfection. I haven’t tackled the juicer yet, but so far Husband has shared his morning creations and I can tell you I’m hooked. My favorite juice so far is a dark green blend of beets, kale, cucumber, bell pepper, lemon, and ginger.
I realize not everyone has a juicer, and I haven’t even tried to use the new machine myself. So, I’m enjoying Husband’s juice offerings for breakfast and then kicking in my favorite way to get my greens for lunch. Green smoothies are quickly blended to perfection and make a perfect breakfast or lunch.
The Littles love all of these green smoothies – and I can’t think of any other way they will happily devour full servings of spinach or kale. Kid tasted, mom approved!
Here are our top 5 green smoothie recipes and a list of favorite add-ins:
- 1 cup Almond Coconut Milk Blend
- 2 cups spinach or kale
- 2 tbs flax seed
- 1 tbs virgin coconut oil
- 1 tbs almond butter
- 1 banana, frozen
- 2 medium oranges, peeled and quartered
- 8-10 frozen strawberries
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1 small apple, cored and quartered
- 2 cups spinach
- 2 cups ice cubes
Grape Gobs of Greens
- 1 cup green grapes
- 1/2 cup pineapple, cubed
- 1 banana, peeled & frozen
- 2 cups spinach or kale
- 1/2 cup water or almond milk
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1 cup frozen broccoli
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
KaleBerry Smoothie
- 1 apple, chopped
- 1 cup kale
- 1 cup frozen raspberries
- 1 cup water or almond milk
Smoothie Inspirations
- milk (soy, almond, coconut, skim)
- pineapple juice
- coconut water
- cooled green tea
Fruits (frozen works great! Try to buy organic)
- blueberries
- peaches
- pears
- mango
- bananas
- pineapple
Vegetables (frozen works great! Try to buy organic)
- broccoli
- kale
- spinach
- cucumbers
- beets
Special add-ins:
- flaxseed
- chia seed
- maca powder
- almond butter
- raw cocoa powder
- goji berries
- Stonyfield Yogurt (French Vanilla is our favorite!)
- silken tofu
- mint leaves
What’s your favorite way to blend up greens? I’d love to know.
Kristin, we think you need to add Kohana Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate as a special add-in. That’s the way Juiceland and Juicebox use it here in Austin. A bit of coffee flavor and kick. One of our favorites is 3oz of Kohana Cold Brew, a cup of soy milk, a frozen banana, and a small amount of honey if you want – it makes a great shake!
I’m going to try out your recipes as they all sound amazing.
Piper – I think I need a whole post on ways to use Kohana Coffee!
This shake sounds delicious. Wonder if I could sneak in some greens. 😉
I have a Blendtec blender so I don’t “juice” … mine blends everything (the whole thing) into a juice. Here is my favorite green smoothie.
Large handful green grapes
3/4 cup pineapple chunks
1 apple
1 orange
I carrot
1 teaspoon flax seed
2 cups spinach leaves
Handful of ice
Rachel – I love it when you stop by The Schell Cafe! Thank you. And, I’m going to try your delicious smoothie for lunch. Deeeelish. xo
Thinking—just thinking.
Well think out loud, YM! ox
Ok, I know it’s crazy promoting things named after me, or my mother for that matter, but i just had some of “Mrs. Kravitz’s (mother’s) cauliflower soup for lunch, and it is waaaay yummy. And i didn’t even have to throw in a handful of cheese.
Mrs. Kravitz – you can promote your soup, or your mother’s for that matter, all you want! In fact, here’s the link. Tell MKM (Mrs. Kravitz’s Mother) thank you. xo
The Green Monster sounds pretty darn good.
I love me some coconut oil. 🙂