Kitchen Love I have my friend Lulu to thank for sharing Garlic Chipotle Love with me. As is our custom, we often sit at her huge kitchen island dipping fingers in whatever is simmering on her stove and stealing nibbles and noshes straight out of the oven. Lulu’s kitchen is a magical place. Years ago, on a taste-testing kind of…
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Cookie of the Year Winner: Ginger Doodles
Announcing the cookie of the year. And the winner is . . . ginger doodles! We make a lot of cookies in our house. A lot. Our three daughters love to bake which means there’s always some kind of recipe testing and tasting going on in the kitchen. Ginger doodles have been a favorite all fall. We made these tasty…
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Pumpkin Spice Latte Baked Oatmeal
Celebrate Fall How are you celebrating the first day of fall? We dove head first into the most anticipated drink of the season. Hashtag PSL. The girls tried their first Pumpkin Spice Latte on the way to school yesterday. Of course, we’re still blasting the air-conditioning and sporting flip flops in Austin. But, we had to mark the day with the…
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5 Ingredient Tex-Mex Casserole
1 Dish + 5 Ingredients = My Kind of Supper On occasion we all have just one of those days. You know the kind of day I’m talking about, the one where almost nothing goes as planned and it’s five o’clock and you feel depleted of any shred of inspiration or energy to whip up dinner. The answer to the age-old question, “what’s for dinner,…
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S’mores Cake
Oh yeah… it’s as good as it looks. The Littles picked out this recipe and whipped the cake up all by themselves. I can’t think about how fast they are growing or I might polish off the rest of the cake by myself. S’mores cake is a perfect treat to have on hand for impromptu visitors or gatherings at your…
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Roasted Chicken with Apples & Shallots
The Truth about Fairies Fairies exist. I know this because I have four children who have lost SEVENTY teeth and we are still counting. I finally gave the Tooth Fairy the alarm code and admonished her to keep her shenanigans to a dull roar. I am certain; however, magical, winged pixies exist because I have a personal Flower Fairy. She’s a seasonal fairy…
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