Last night I was blessed to have friends gathered ’round the table. Long after supper was finished and Husband and the Littles went to bed, we were still lingering in conversation. Conversation that went from 0 – 90 mph in about 2 seconds flat. We talked about family, marriage, and motherhood. And, identity. Fear. Insecurities.We shared our Big God Dreams. Naturally,…
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31 Days: Entertaining Strangers
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 When you say “yes” to God, allowing him to teach you about outrageous hospitality, he doesn’t disappoint. How could I possibly write a 31 day series on hospitality and not have the opportunity to host overnight guests, right? I’m welcoming friends from…
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31 Days: Hot Onion Soufflé
One of my favorite essays on food and faith is The Heavenly Onion by Robert Farrar Capon. I first read the famous excerpt from Capon’s book The Supper of the Lamb, years ago. But, recently at the Laity Lodge Food Retreat, I had the opportunity to actually spend time with an onion à la Capon. “Admittedly, spending an hour in the…
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31 Days: How to Cultivate a Heart for Hospitality
“If there is any concept worth restoring to its original depth and evocative potential, it is the concept of hospitality.” Henri Nouwen We’ve hit the middle mark of 31 Days of Outrageous Hospitality. So far, we’ve talked about excuses. Shared stories of what hospitality looks like to others. And, answered daily questions around the table about what outrageous hospitality means….
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31 Days: The Inconvenient Truth
I just hung up the phone with one of my nearest and dearests. We were hemming and hawing about Monday morning and how even before 9 am the day seemed to be winning. I’ve already been to school twice. Once, on purpose, to deliver the Littles. I planned that trip. The second time; however, wasn’t something I planned, nor was…
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Easy Mediterranean Baked Shrimp
{If you are new to The Schell Cafe and are joining me for 31 Days of Outrageous Hospitality, an extra special welcome! My friend and neighbor Susie and I are hosting a 52 Sunday Suppers challenge. On Sundays, we offer encouragement to make family meals more intentional. We provide recipes, mealtime prayers, and conversation starters. Family meals and outrageous hospitality go hand in hand, so…
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